Non Invasive Electrodes
Ideal for CRISPR
Flexible systems allowing both square wave and exponential decay wave electroporation in a single unit. Ideal for all of your electroporation needs, including CRISPR, in vivo, in vitro, in ovo and more.
NEW! Now available with Pulse Switcher for automatic polarity switching!
Downloads and Firmware Updates
Tweezer-style reusable electrodes for in vivo and in utero applications in animal tissues.
Paddle-style reusable electrodes for in vitro embryo and in vivo gene delivery with ECM 830, ECM 2001+, Legacy ECM 2001, or Gemini X2 pulse generators
In vivo style reusable electrodes compatible with the ECM 830, Gemini X2, ECM 2001+, and Legacy ECM 2001 Electroporation Systems
Ultra thin diameter electrodes for in vivo applications using fragile tissue types
Electrodes and chambers for ex vivo tissues gene or drug delivery using large or uniquely shapped tissue samples
Electrodes and chambers for delicate and/or difficult tissue transfection
Petri Dish Electrode
Item #: 45-0100To electroporate adherent cells or tissue grown in a petri dish that functions as the electroporation chamber -
Used to connect BTX electrofusion/electroporation systems to the electrodes and chambers used for a particular application.